circus tent

After their visit to the circus in their town, the children were sought out by people who wanted to make them, or themselves maybe, a little bit famous


Perhaps it was because the children were popular with the circus people who were famous in their way

And who were happy being different

circus procession


The circus did not make a fortune, but they were independent in their lifestyle, and made enough money to get by if they were careful

Each circus member including the animals had a place in their community: a mutual respect for each other

And also for the role that they played



It was as if people wanted to put the small town on the map, so everyone would know who lived there -

And think that it was more important than it really was!

People wanted to feel more important too, which is a very common trait


street map



People thought the children had some special status, partly because of their friendship with the circus people

The children were different too, with not being able to walk or do some things

children's playroom


Before all of this, people had kept away from the children's disability or difference, and their unhappiness with how they were regarded


Now there were invitations to too many parties, and requests to appear on children's TV


children and tv

The children felt a kind of boost at first

But they grew more aware of what motivated people, and might lie behind their actions:


All in all, the children felt uncomfortable with the demands being placed on them

The main thing troubling the children was how people used (or abused) their difference and their pain:

Which were both still there after all


True, the schemes raised funds for less fortunate people and did some very useful things

Sometimes it got out of hand, and things went wrong that never seemed to get put right

crowd of people


People gave themselves (or each other) important-sounding names and positions

They were not getting on with their lives or doing things to help each other


People counted or courted money, and they gloated or fought over silly things

It was as if they now put themselves above everything and everyone else

person with dino mask and piechart


They wanted other people to think how kind they were, or how clever or industrious

Or how "different" or somehow "better" they were through this or that

Naturally people do deserve credit for some of the things they do

laurel showing success



Now people were seeking prestige and a name for themselves with these new campaigns and schemes

meercat looking very important



The children had to be extra careful what they said, or it became an issue for people to disagree over

Something got blown out of proportion, or made to mean something it was not intended to be


Reality began to skew, and it could easily have skewed the children's lives if they had not been careful

And lucky too - You can ask the zebra with the unusual stripes what he thinks about that!

zebra with vertical stripes



What the children wanted was to be accepted -

Just how they were

Disabled or not

Feeling OK or not

And doing things well or not


So they asked people not to campaign about them any more, or to make anything into a bigger issue

Because it made things worse, not only for the two children

But for other people who were vulnerable or did not want a lot of fuss


Not everyone can do the things that they want

Or which other people might find easy

People do what they can

flowers in a circle


You can see how much the children had learned through meeting the circus people

And how the circus people might have the best of both worlds in their own way


They had temporary glamour and fame as they came to town and put on their performances for a show

circus performers


They each had an identity and a role in their community, and there was no need to pretend amongst themselves

Whatever happened, good or bad, when there was a show to put on, that is what they would do

Because in the circus, as in life itself, there's that well-known saying: The Show Must Go On!

twin pigs performing



The circus people knew and imparted to the children

That there is a big difference between putting on a performance or a show - Even when they didn't feel happy

And being free to behave ordinarily with their family or friends, or the people they mix with

three clowns doing their act with a peapod moon behind them



Lots of people put on a personal show every day - Even when they don't need to

Or when it might be better not to pretend

tragi-comedy masks

Maybe there are some times when they do have to pretend -

For their own benefit, or for the sake of someone's feelings


But things so easily get out of proportion, or move away from reality and sense

question mark

No-one knows who anyone else really is, or what they actually mean


Including themselves!


The children had learned about accepting people just as they are

And not letting things happen at the expense of anyone

smartly dressed duck with top hat


Including themselves!

children's playroom



Amber the ginger cat says that it's very nice to pretend and to dream

Even Amber does not really want the problems of being
a big, fierce and awesome tiger at the circus

With or without such very fine stripes


ginger cat and big striped tiger


Amber likes to be accepted just how he is

And still be able to dream - Whatever it is about



children's house with tree and ginger cat on a branch




CLICK here or the MARBLES for BOOK 1

glass marbles


CLICK here or on the KITE for the EPILOGUE

multi-coloured kite



You can also see this on Youtube


Amber the cat sitting



Copyright 2011 Lexicomic

old book logo with link to Lexicomic on Youtube

You may print one copy for yourself or for someone you feel would benefit from it -
If you wish to donate something, please find a charity of your choice

It does not cost anything to publish online

Or to change how people think!